
Connectedness Comes Easily in the Hot Spots

We need the right food and drink to be healthy. But there are other things that are just as important—like friendship and a sense of connection with other human beings.
The people of Longevity Hot Spots know that. In their homes, social and family connections are an integral part of healthy living.
  • The Okinawans have a proverb: "One cannot live in this world without the support of others."
  • In Hojancha, Costa Rica, social networks between the elderly and younger generations are consciously maintained. Older Hojanchans remain socially busy, volunteering and mentoring long into their twilight years.
  • The villagers of Montacute rely on a close-knit community and large, loving families for unconditional support systems. Their village in England is a social space where daily human interaction is fundamental to their happy, healthy lives.
Belonging to social networks—either face-to-face or online—makes us feel cared for and valued, yielding powerful effects on our health.

Unfortunately in today's society, we need to be consciously looking for ways to interact on a more "personal" level.  We can all get so wrapped up in "life" that we fail to see what is really needed.

Would you like to bring your level of connectedness closer to those of long-lived hot spot residents? Start today with simple steps, such as

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